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Blue Book Members: Gain Exclusive Access by Submitting AR Aging Files

General News

For more than a decade, businesses throughout the United States, Canada and internationally have shared their accounts receivable (A/R) aging files with Blue Book Services, while maintaining company anonymity of those submitting the data.  This data is compiled for contributing Members into the Accounts Receivable Aging Report and can be found within Blue Book Online Services (BBOS) on the company details page.

This report reflects current risk and pay performance trends on your customers or prospective customers through reported accounts receivable data.

We collect and analyze over $22 billion of industry-specific A/R data every year, fueling the suite of credit risk management tools available to Members.

Here are the benefits of confidentially sharing your accounts receivable data with Blue Book Services:

  • Gives you exclusive A/R Aging Report feature access
  • Leads to quicker, more informed decisions
  • Helps you and the industry by ensuring ample flow of credit information
  • Spurs customer growth
  • Adds to a comprehensive pool of credit information
  • Reinforces Pay Indicator and Blue Book Scores, essential elements of Blue Book Ratings (more data means more accurate ratings)

Companies that contribute their A/R aging files also receive up to a 40% Membership discount and additional credit reports.

Contact us at 630.668.3500 or to find out how you can contribute your A/R aging files, to gain access to this important information!