Wendy Crosina of Weyerhaeuser Canadian Timberlands Receives Women in Forestry Award from Canada’s Forest Products Sector

As National Forest Week is celebrated across the country, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is seizing the opportunity to announce the recipients of its annual Awards of Excellence program. Today, FPAC and Silvacom announced that Wendy Crosina of Weyerhaeuser Canadian Timberlands (Edmonton, Alberta) is the recipient of the Women in Forestry Award.
The Women in Forestry Award is presented in partnership with Silvacom to a female leader who is making contributions to strengthen the dynamic and evolving forest sector while advancing workplace diversity and inclusion.
“Canada’s forest products sector has opportunities for everyone, and we are committed to building a workforce that is inclusive and celebrates success,” said FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor. “It’s our pleasure to salute the great work that Wendy is doing as a sustainability leader, while at the same time being a tremendous role model to young women in our sector.”
Wendy manages wildlife and ecology issues for Weyerhaeuser in Canada, is both a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) and a Registered Professional Biologist and has worked for Weyerhaeuser for over 15 years. Her experience includes working on several wildlife-related files – including species at risk like Boreal Caribou and Grizzly Bears. Wendy has a keen interest in ensuring ecological values continue to be integrated into forest management practices and works hard to find the right balance between economics and the environment.
“I always feel uncomfortable winning individual awards. Any success that I achieve is due in no small part to the collaboration and support that I receive from the forestry community across Canada,” said Crosina. “The people I work with at Weyerhaeuser want to lead the way on forest stewardship and sustainable forest management, and I simply help point them in a direction. My colleagues from other forest companies and industry associations willingly share ideas and information, and we work together to tackle the tough issues. It’s a relatively small community and one that I am proud to be a part of … any positive recognition should be shared by all.”
FPAC’s Women in Forestry Award is sponsored by Silvacom, a Canadian natural resource management company. Silvacom President and CEO Tom Grabowski says the company is proud to sponsor this award. “The future of our industry depends on women choosing a career in forestry to ensure it evolves and flourishes. Women represent over 37% of the forestry team at Silvacom. We hope to increase this number through our continued efforts to become a top employer for women,” Grabowski added.
To learn more about FPAC’s Awards of Excellence recipients, please visit: https://www.fpac.ca/
About Silvacom
Established in 1983, Silvacom™ is a leading natural resource management company providing professional services to private and public sector organizations. We’re passionate about working collaboratively and creatively with our clients and partners to solve complex natural resource management challenges in the most efficient and cost-effective way. We have over 120 staff working in areas of environmental management, forest management, GIS, remote sensing, and geospatial application development. We have been named one of Canada’s Top 100 Small and Medium Employers (SMEs) since 2016 and one of Alberta’s Top Employers since 2017. Learn more at www.silvacom.com.
About Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. As an Industry with annual revenues exceeding $75B, Canada’s forest products sector is one of the country’s largest employers operating in over 600 communities, providing 225,000 direct jobs, and over 600,000 indirect jobs across the country.
Kerry Patterson-Baker – Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs – kpatterson-baker@fpac.ca – (613) 563-1441 x 314
Source: Forest Products Association of Canada